The Epiliki Foundation Empowering Underprivileged Communities in Cameroon
Through Education and Support
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Empowering Education for Holistic Development

Epiliki Foundation’s Comprehensive Approach to Learning and Well-being in Africa

Education lies at the heart of the Epiliki Foundation’s mission as we strive to make quality learning accessible to all. We believe that education is vital not only for individual growth but also for the development of Africa’s economy and the foundations of social well-being, security, gender equality, and peace. To ensure that children can thrive academically, we construct schools, computer labs, and studios, creating an enriching environment that fosters their educational journey.

At Epiliki, we recognize that a child’s well-being is fundamental to their learning experience. To address this, we go beyond traditional education by implementing a crucial aspect of our foundation: providing free lunches during school hours. Our commitment to ensuring that no child goes hungry while pursuing knowledge is rooted in the understanding that education plays a frontline role in safeguarding lives against diseases such as Malaria, yellow fever, and Ebola. By nourishing students with healthy meals, we contribute to their overall health, thereby strengthening their ability to learn and thrive academically.

By combining our dedication to accessible education with the understanding of education’s broader impact on health, well-being, and societal development, the Epiliki Foundation aims to create a comprehensive approach to learning. Through the provision of infrastructure and nourishment, we empower children to unlock their potential, equipping them with the tools to build a brighter future for themselves, their communities, and Africa as a whole.

Join us in our transformative mission as we continue to build a strong foundation of education that not only empowers individuals but also serves as a catalyst for positive change in Africa’s social, economic, and health landscape. Together, we can create a thriving environment where education becomes a powerful force in shaping a prosperous and sustainable future.

Donate Today!

Join the Epiliki Foundation in transforming lives through education

Join us in supporting the Epiliki Foundation’s mission to make quality education accessible to all. Education is not only a key to individual growth but also the foundation for social well-being, economic development, gender equality, and peace.

With your support, we can build schools, computer labs, and studios, providing an enriching environment where children can thrive academically. But our commitment goes beyond classrooms. We believe that no child should face hunger while pursuing knowledge. Your donation helps us provide free lunches during school hours, ensuring that children are nourished and ready to learn.

Education is the frontline defense against diseases like Malaria, yellow fever, and Ebola. By donating today, you contribute to the health and well-being of African children. Your generosity strengthens their ability to learn, grow, and succeed academically.

San Antonio

9015 Mountain Field Dr
San Antonio 78240
Tel: +210-417-5492


Buea Road
Kumba Southwest Province
+237 675938998